Amity (RPG)
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Amity (RPG)
The year is 738 GD and the continent of Amity is torn by war. Over 2 years ago, the nation of Iyx discovered what it believed to be spies within its government. Without conducting a thorough investigation, the Iyxan government pinned the spying on the kingdom of Bermadia, and threatened war if the illegal behavior was not atoned for. Whether the spies were Bermadian in origin or not has been lost to time, but the Bermadian reaction will be forever ingrained in the region's history.
Threatened with war, the Patrochrian of Bermadia ordered the army mobilized. In a brutal and sudden attack, the Bermadian army invaded the sovereign nation of Paroxsyma, and took it with little effort; the Paroxsymian army had recently been weakened by a war with a distant nation. But Paroxsyma was not the Bermadian army's main destination. Their true intent was to invade and take over a small section of Iyx, known as West Iyx, not connected to the motherland and thus not as easily defended. The Bermadian army encountered little resistance here as well, and West Iyx was soon under Bermadian control. The neighboring kingdoms and nations in the region were outraged and threatened war on Bermadia, even though they knew they stood little chance. These two countries were Drace, a kingdom known for its prosperous trade industry and colorful bazaars, and Arixo, a forest nation that was fueled by tourism of its beautiful beaches and dense jungles.
One nation was conspicuously absent from the war cries however: Iyx. After the show of brute force exhibited by the Bermadians, the Iyxan government was now regretting their threats of war and were considering leaving West Iyx for dead so as not to face the Bermadian forces. Drace, however, clamored for war, and aligned itself with Arixo. The day after the treaty was signed, Bermadian forces moved without warning into Dracian and Arixan territories and began advancing toward their capitols. Tonsel, a city in northern West Drace, simply surrendered, leaving the capitol city of Macx completely exposed. By this time, Bermadian forces had already taken over Arecedent, the capitol of Arixo's southern half, and soon after all of South Arixo fell. In a heated battle the Macxics fought to defend their capitol, but were unsuccessful in their attempt. West Drace had fallen.
The North Arixan government began peace talks with the Bermadian Patrochrian, but the talks failed and Arixo simply surrendered South Arixo fully to the Bermadians. But East Drace was not going to give up, for it had found an ally in the normally peaceful nation of Tancelont. The Tancelonian people were rather fond of the the Dracians, and considered them like family. Thus, they chose to join what remained of Drace in war against Bermadia. Iyx continued to sit on the fence, and committed to neither side. Tancelont and what was now known as New Drace simply wrote Iyx off and engaged the Bermadians head-on. The war still rages today, New Drace fighting viciously for its lost half with Tancelont alongside. The New Drace-Tancelont alliance has fought well up to this point, but is slowly losing ground because it cannot match Bermadia's sheer abundance of resources. Iyx remains uncommitted, and Tancelont has taken upon itself the burden of cleaning up the mess Iyx's rash behavior caused. Drace's only objective is freedom for its western sister, and Tancelont sees this as a worthy cause, so they fight on in hopes that one day this war will end, and all of the subjugated nations get their chance at freedom.
Your Mission:
Form alliances with other players and work together using your unique skills, talents, and abilities to take down the Bermadians.
Game Rules:
- You must start from a place highlighted in red in the list below. You may not make up a place to start. Click the spoiler for a full list of locations with descriptions, click again to hide the list.
- Spoiler:
Bermadia-A kingdom whose power shocked all of Amity.- Bermadia Proper-The original kingdom of Bermadia, a desert nation that is a technology hub of the world.
- Archades-Capital of Bermadia.
- Old Archades-An almost discarded relic of a city that now lies on the outskirts of Bermadia's modern capital.
- Vermillion Desert-A vast desert known for its unique rock formations and vividly colored sands.
- Lochos Mountains-A range of short, older mountains inhabited by many animals now extinct across the rest of Amity.
- Vividia-A large outpost near the Vermillion Desert, this city is known for its rather lawless residents.
- Bermadian Deadlands-A vast expanse of deserted land that bears no life.
- Old West Drace-The last to be taken, this kingdom was once known for its chaotic bazaars and prosperous trade.
- Macx-The once-proud capital of all Drace, this city now looks more like a disaster zone; its people are very resentful of Bermadia.
- Tonsel-An apathetic city that doesn't seem to care who rules it, and a desert rest-stop for travelers.
- Paroxsyma-The first to fall to Bermadia's army.
- West Iyx-Taken by Bermadia, this section of Iyx does not have hope that its other half will come to the rescue.
- South Arixo-The southern half of a divided nation that has its sister in the far north.
- Arecedent Woods-A large forest that is rumored to be inhabited by magical creatures.
- Arecedent-A city in the woods that barely even noticed it had been taken over.
- Lake Arixo-The largest lake in all of Amity.
- Iyx City-A tropical port city known as a pirate haven that doubles as Iyx's capital.
- Chax-A mining city near Iyx's border with Bermadia that has reinforced itself into an all but impenetrable stronghold.
- Port Gabrax-An industrialized port town in the north of Iyx that ignores the war, not expecting it to ever reach that far east.
- Port Cataract-Tancelont's massive capital city built near a large cataract that spills into the city's harbor.
- Fermisace-A mountainous city that is home to thousands of peace-loving monks.
- Noswok Mountains-A series of tall, snow-capped mountains that are inhabited by monks and snow wolves.
- Velvet Forest-An idyllic and peaceful forest teeming with exotic life.
- Dreche-The impromptu capital city of what is left of the kingdom that used to be Drace, this city is committed to reuniting the kingdom at all costs.
- Bermadia Proper-The original kingdom of Bermadia, a desert nation that is a technology hub of the world.
- Your character must fit the storyline and be appropriate for the prevailing culture.
- Your character may only be a human.
- You get 1 turn/post every 5 minutes. This is to prevent flooding or rapid storyline advancement. It is generally recommended, however, that if you are playing along in a group with others (as opposed to alone) that you wait for others to post as well before posting again. This prevents storyline discontinuity.
- You must stay in character at all times.
- No cheating, and no "OMG FLAME SHIELD ON!" If you do this you may be blocked from the Arcade.
- By joining, you agree to be serious about this game for the benefit of others.
- Please use proper English.
- You may not be on the Bermadian "side," however you may be a double agent secretly working to bring down Bermadian rule.
How to Play:
- Please copy-paste and fill out the following form and post it here in your first post:
- Code:
[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Appearance[/u]: (For pictures use IMG tags, not hyperlinks.
A text description will suffice as well.)
[u]Character Skill[/u]: (IE fighter, mechanic, pilot [if pilot, name your airship], etc)
[u]Character Weapon(s)[/u]: (IE gun, sword, etc. You may define a specific name or type. Laser and plasma weapons are not allowed, max of 2 weapons.)
[u]Home Base[/u]: (choose from red-highlighted names)
[u]Character Bio[/u]: (must fit general world storyline)
- When creating your character, consider where the are from, what their motivations are, and what they would look like. Tailor your character to yourself and make them unique. Read the following spoiler for some more detailed info that will help you design your character: (Click to Show)
- Spoiler:
- The cultures of Amity are diverse and unique to each area, and as such where your character comes from greatly influences his or her look and persona. As a continent though, Amity is very much a mix of old and new. The technological level is very high with hovercrafts with ray guns and forcefields, but the hand-held weapons are simple and very much like the weapons pirates used to carry in the Caribbean. Blunderbusses, daggers, and rifles are very much in style. The rich own hovercrafts while those with less money hitch rides on a large tram system that spans the entire continent, but has been blocked to within individual countries ever since the war began.
The southern nation of Iyx is similar to the Mediterranean region in and around Greece, with airy villas and cliff-side towns with low-rise buildings making up the majority of the cityscapes. The people here dress in light, flowing clothing such as vests, loose trousers, and skirts. The accent of the region is much like the Australian accent, but with French overtones.
Bermadia Proper is a desert nation, and as such has developed a very technologically complex and advanced society. The cities here are heavily guarded against the dangers of the desert, including wild animals, and are much like isolated oases in the middle of the vast desert. The southern desert is very dull and colorless, but the northern desert is known for vivid colors and outstanding rock formations. The residents dress in tight-fitting and scanty clothes that are optimized to help them lose excess heat easily. The local accent is similar to the Spanish accent and flows very melodically. Old West Drace is very similar except in accent; the West Dracian accent is reminiscent of the Brazilian accent.
South Arixo and Paroxsyma are much like the American south. With heavy forests and bogs, these nations are not very heavily populated and at times almost seem abandoned. They both rely on tourism for income; Paroxsyma has many beautiful beaches while South Arixo has dense and ancient forests. The people in both nations dress similarly to the Iyxics, and their accent is like the Italian accent.
Tancelont is a more northerly nation that is similar to England; it is rainier and generally has more rivers and smaller bodies of water, as well as the accent is almost English. The people here simply embrace their reliance on water and actually enjoy it. They dress in warmer clothes ranging from longsleeved cotton shirts to leather and fur coats. The capital city of Tancelont, Port Cataract, lives up to its name and is the culmination of Tancelonian culture: the harbor that the city is built around has a large waterfall spilling directly into the north side of the bay.
New Drace is a mix between Iyx and Tancelont, in direct opposition to its desert half. The only city, Dreche, is a hub of activity these days, with squadrons of armymen and battle equipment coming and going constantly. The men are usually bearded with cargo pants and sleeveless shirts; all of them are in the military. The women usually wear dresses of varying lengths and colors. The accent of New Drace is one of the few things that the two Draces have in common: both are like the Brazilian accent.
- Fill out the RPG Profile on your profile page with the same info as you post here.
- With each post you make, you should in some way advance the storyline. You may talk with another player, or make your next move, make an alliance, fight someone, etc.
- Dice and their Results and Implications-
- The "Roll Dice" command can be found if you go to the preview post view, then look below the smiley box.
- You must always obey the result of yours or another person's dice roll, even if it means you take damage. If you do not, then you may be blocked from the Arcade, as this is considered cheating. You may not roll a dice for another player.
- Please see this short tutorial by Rapsheba555: Tutorial, and read these explanations as well: (Click spoiler to show)
- Spoiler:
- If you preform an action (IE: "I attempt to sneak onboard the ship") you should roll the "Action Outcome" dice. Similarly, if an enemy attempts to preform an action (IE: "The guard attempts to sneak onboard my ship before I take off."), you should roll the "Enemy Action Outcome" dice. Rosalina will report the result of the dice roll with either a "Succeed" or "Fail." You should base your next move on this result. For example, if you succeed in sneaking onboard the ship, you will begin doing things on the ship, whereas if you fail at sneaking on, you may battle a guard, or something to that effect.
- If you are in a battle with someone or are taking a shot at a passing guard, you want to use the "Attack Result" dice, and Rosalina will report back with "Hit," "Miss," or "Blocked." Again, your next action should be dictated by the result of your attempt. If you take a potshot at a passing guard while in hiding, and you miss or he blocks it, your position is compromised and he will chase after you or call reinforcements. If he attempts to shoot you, you should use the "Enemy Attack Result" dice. Then, based on the result make your next move. If you are hit, you should most likely either hide or call for help.
- You may use the "Invention Outcome" dice to find out the results of something you are trying to invent or make, such as "I try to make an ultralight (small airplane) out of trash bags and bamboo." You would then roll the die and it would return "Success," "Fail," or "Backfire." If you end up with Backfire, then something appropriate must happen, such as "The plastic bags get caught by the breeze and hit me in the face just in time to hide the fact that someone's sneaking up on me with a knife."
- You may roll several dice at once if several things happen at once (IE: "I fire my gun at the pilot and he throws a chair at me. "), simply click the small "+" symbol next to the first dice selector to add another. You may add as many as you need, but keep them within a reasonable amount.
- You can create a complex series of events that all happen at once, and you should use the appropriate dice for each action IN THE ORDER YOU LISTED IN YOU POST. An example would be "I strike at the guard with my whip, he tries to hit me with a sword, and the pilot tries to crash land the ship." In this case, I would use three dice, in this order: Attack Result, Enemy Attack Result, Enemy Action Outcome. Rosalina would then report the results in that order.
- If you preform an action (IE: "I attempt to sneak onboard the ship") you should roll the "Action Outcome" dice. Similarly, if an enemy attempts to preform an action (IE: "The guard attempts to sneak onboard my ship before I take off."), you should roll the "Enemy Action Outcome" dice. Rosalina will report the result of the dice roll with either a "Succeed" or "Fail." You should base your next move on this result. For example, if you succeed in sneaking onboard the ship, you will begin doing things on the ship, whereas if you fail at sneaking on, you may battle a guard, or something to that effect.
Players may use the tram system for free. However, due to the war, the 2 tram lines crossing the Bermadia-Tancelont and the Bermadia-Iyx borders have been blocked off. Essentially there are 2 separate tram lines: the Bermadian system (illustrated in red) and the Alliance and Iyx system (illustrated in green). Players may not use the trams to cross the aforementioned borders. Other than the trams, players may walk, or take an airship (if they have one or can hitch a ride), however if the player attempts to cross the Bermadian border on such an airship, they must roll the "Action Outcome" dice to see if the crossing was successful, or if the ship was spotted. Click below for a map of the tram system:
- Spoiler:
->If you have ANY questions about this RPG, please post them here.
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
Info for Quick Reference:
Click here for a world map:
Click here for a world map:
- Spoiler:
- Spoiler:
- Spoiler:
- (O=Allied Tram Station, O=Bermadian Tram Station, |W|=Capital city, |W|=Fallen capital)
Bermadia-- Bermadia Proper-
- Archades |W| O
- Old Archades
- Vermillion Desert
- Lochos Mountains
- Bianca Mountain Station O
- Vividia O
- Bermadian Deadlands
- Old West Drace-
- Macx |W| O
- Tonsel O
- Drace Midway O
- South Arixo-
- Arecedent |W| O
- Arecedent Woods
- Lake Arixo
- North Lake Station O
- Paroxsyma-
- Gateway Station O
- Capital Street Station O
Iyx-- Iyx City |W| O
- Chax O
- Port Gabrax O
- Iyx Central Station O
- Port Cataract |W| O
- Fermisace O
- Noswok Mountains
- Grand Plains Connector O
- Velvet Forest O
- Dreche |W| O
- Costa Nord Station O
- Bermadia Proper-
- Spoiler:
- Action Outcome- Used when the player attempts any action (excluding attacks; see "Attack Result").
- Enemy Action Outcome- Used when an enemy attempts a certain action against the player or otherwise (excluding attacks; see "Enemy Attack Result").
- Attack Result- Used when the player attacks or battles an enemy.
- Enemy Attack Result- Used when an enemy attacks or battles the player.
- Invention Outcome- Used when the player attempts to make or invent something.
- Standard Dice- Used for change, a standard 6-sided dice
- Action Outcome- Used when the player attempts any action (excluding attacks; see "Attack Result").
- The posting limit has been downed from 3 hours to 5 minutes.
- Paroxsyma has been opened up as a starting location upon request. I have determined however, that all remaining locations closed as starting points will most definitely remain closed for specific reasons.
- The dice odds have been tipped slightly in favor of the players. Dice odds for enemies remain the same, as do invention odds.
- Added the Fast Facts Section. See above.
- Added a tram map and station info.
- Added a standard 6-sided dice
Last edited by Rapsheba555 on August 5th 2010, 5:42 am; edited 9 times in total
Rapsheba555- Weegee
- All operators are busy, please insert more money.
2 33823
Posts : 3222
Re: Amity (RPG)
Character Name: Princess Tart
Character Appearance: Short Brown hair, Tarty attire, gold crown, pale skin, beautiful and a green silk left glove..
Character Skill: Clothing Designer/Rogue (Fighter)
Character Weapon(s): Bloodied Longsword and Ancient Tart dagger
Home Base: Dreche
Character Bio: Princess Tart, always getting in the way of the armymen, she was once known as the highest in the land until the terrible came! Princess Tart was taught not to listen to anyone but her superiors... and since there are hardly any left, the whole continent in anarchy, she has nothing to do but to fulfill her destiny, to fight the evil, to destroy the terrible and put an end to this chaos... Princess Tart wears green and blue to show who she is, (she believes green and light blue is to show how rich she is, one of the richest in the land) and wears a beautiful green silk glove on her left hand to hide a long and forgotten scar which had been cut int her when she was 11 years of age, now the young Princess aged 19 will have to see what's coming for her...
Character Appearance: Short Brown hair, Tarty attire, gold crown, pale skin, beautiful and a green silk left glove..
Character Skill: Clothing Designer/Rogue (Fighter)
Character Weapon(s): Bloodied Longsword and Ancient Tart dagger
Home Base: Dreche
Character Bio: Princess Tart, always getting in the way of the armymen, she was once known as the highest in the land until the terrible came! Princess Tart was taught not to listen to anyone but her superiors... and since there are hardly any left, the whole continent in anarchy, she has nothing to do but to fulfill her destiny, to fight the evil, to destroy the terrible and put an end to this chaos... Princess Tart wears green and blue to show who she is, (she believes green and light blue is to show how rich she is, one of the richest in the land) and wears a beautiful green silk glove on her left hand to hide a long and forgotten scar which had been cut int her when she was 11 years of age, now the young Princess aged 19 will have to see what's coming for her...
Last edited by ZimZ on December 16th 2009, 2:35 am; edited 2 times in total
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Re: Amity (RPG)
Character Name: Scios Vanuri [Sigh-ohs Van-nur-rii]
Character Appearance:
He wears tight fitting clothes to keep cool in the desert. The scarf he wears keeps sand out of his nose and mouth while working. He is pictured here without googles, although he only uses them for work purposes.
Character Skill: Mechanic
Character Weapon(s): Calvary Pistol (Pirate Pistol) and 8-inch Dagger
Home Base: Vermillion Desert
Character Bio: Scios was born and raised in the Vermillion Desert. When he was no more than 5 years old, his parents were killed in a sandstorm while trading with merchants. He was then raised by his four older brothers, and took up a strong connection with machinery. Scios works as a repair and engineer, fixing machines of all sizes in a business with his siblings. He hunts with his brothers for entertainment and extra food, shooting sand-hares and other small mammals with his pistol. Scios is moderately skilled with a Dagger, and uses it as a tool if none are availible. Since the war started, Scios's brothers have been drafted, leaving him, too young to be drafted, to stay alone at their homestead. Scios, unsatisfied with being left behind, followed the troops to the very brink of the war. Seeing his brothers slaughter innocent citizens who wouldn't subcome to their nation, Scios became heartbroken, and felt he needed to help end this madness.
Character Appearance:
He wears tight fitting clothes to keep cool in the desert. The scarf he wears keeps sand out of his nose and mouth while working. He is pictured here without googles, although he only uses them for work purposes.
Character Skill: Mechanic
Character Weapon(s): Calvary Pistol (Pirate Pistol) and 8-inch Dagger
Home Base: Vermillion Desert
Character Bio: Scios was born and raised in the Vermillion Desert. When he was no more than 5 years old, his parents were killed in a sandstorm while trading with merchants. He was then raised by his four older brothers, and took up a strong connection with machinery. Scios works as a repair and engineer, fixing machines of all sizes in a business with his siblings. He hunts with his brothers for entertainment and extra food, shooting sand-hares and other small mammals with his pistol. Scios is moderately skilled with a Dagger, and uses it as a tool if none are availible. Since the war started, Scios's brothers have been drafted, leaving him, too young to be drafted, to stay alone at their homestead. Scios, unsatisfied with being left behind, followed the troops to the very brink of the war. Seeing his brothers slaughter innocent citizens who wouldn't subcome to their nation, Scios became heartbroken, and felt he needed to help end this madness.
ZombieData- Emo Dude
- No, I am NOT going to go out with you.
1 6151
Posts : 649
Re: Amity (RPG)
Character Name:Andara
Character Appearance: Somewhat androgynous, with a tattered grey blouse and faded black leather pants. Dark red curly hair and grey eyes.
Character Skill: Stealth/First Aid
Character Weapon(s): Unarmed combat, blowdarts with compounds for sleeping or paralysis as well as poison.
Home Base: Noswok Mountains
Character Bio: Her parents were involved in the criminal underground in Vividia, and she learned quite a lot from them before they were arrested. When she found herself out on the street she made a living by stealing until she got a fever and accidentally fell asleep under the bed of a traveling monk who adopted her and nursed her back to health. He took her back to the Noswok Mountains, where she was trained in "more appropriate" skills. She doesn't like to fight, preferring to hide whenever possible. She does know how to make poisons and antidotes, as well as various drugs (and antidotes), and will tend to use anesthetic darts or powders if she has to fight. She is still an accomplished thief, but due to her training with the monks she will no longer steal from anyone who "doesn't deserve it". She is also quite well trained in healing.
Character Appearance: Somewhat androgynous, with a tattered grey blouse and faded black leather pants. Dark red curly hair and grey eyes.
Character Skill: Stealth/First Aid
Character Weapon(s): Unarmed combat, blowdarts with compounds for sleeping or paralysis as well as poison.
Home Base: Noswok Mountains
Character Bio: Her parents were involved in the criminal underground in Vividia, and she learned quite a lot from them before they were arrested. When she found herself out on the street she made a living by stealing until she got a fever and accidentally fell asleep under the bed of a traveling monk who adopted her and nursed her back to health. He took her back to the Noswok Mountains, where she was trained in "more appropriate" skills. She doesn't like to fight, preferring to hide whenever possible. She does know how to make poisons and antidotes, as well as various drugs (and antidotes), and will tend to use anesthetic darts or powders if she has to fight. She is still an accomplished thief, but due to her training with the monks she will no longer steal from anyone who "doesn't deserve it". She is also quite well trained in healing.
Ghost- Local Figment of the Imagination
1 5675
Posts : 1104
Getting started
Andara was on patrol through the mountains when she heard a whimper. As she quietly investigated, she saw that a snow wolf was caught in a hunter's trap, and had apparently been there for at least two days. There were tracks indicating that the pack was nearby, probably bringing food to their injured pack mate. She decided to try to help the wolf. Watching carefully to be sure she was not going to be interrupted by the rest of the pack while she was busy, she quietly made her way upwind of the injured wolf and tried to use her anesthetic darts to put the wolf to sleep and ease its pain before sneaking down to release it from the trap and trying to heal its injury.
Ghost- Local Figment of the Imagination
1 5675
Posts : 1104
Getting started
The member 'Ghost' has done the following action : Roll Dice
#1 'Attack Result' :
#2 'Action Outcome' :
#1 'Attack Result' :
#2 'Action Outcome' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
The dart hit and the wolf fell asleep. Unfortunately, she saw the rest of the wolves returning while she was busy bandaging the wound. It was not the best job she could have done, but she hoped it was good enough. She was not about to stick around with a pack of hostile wolves heading her way!
When she returned to her teacher and made her report, he frowned at her.
"Was it wise to heal the injured wolf?"
She thought for a moment. "Perhaps not, but wisdom must be blended with compassion or one becomes cold and dark."
He nodded. "And if the hunter goes hungry because you released the wolf?"
She scowled. "If the hunter was that hungry, he should have checked his trap sooner, and not left that poor wolf to suffer for two days!"
He nodded again. "And if the wolf which would have died in the trap attacks a traveler, will you take responsibility?"
"No. The wolf's actions are its own, as are the travelers. And as are mine. I take responsibility for my own actions, but not those of anyone else."
He smiled. You have learned all I have to teach you. It is time for you to go into the world and make a difference. Although I suggest you start with humans, rather than wolves.
She laughed, and started to think. Where could she make a difference? Finally she decided to try to make her way into Drace and see if they could use her help.
When she returned to her teacher and made her report, he frowned at her.
"Was it wise to heal the injured wolf?"
She thought for a moment. "Perhaps not, but wisdom must be blended with compassion or one becomes cold and dark."
He nodded. "And if the hunter goes hungry because you released the wolf?"
She scowled. "If the hunter was that hungry, he should have checked his trap sooner, and not left that poor wolf to suffer for two days!"
He nodded again. "And if the wolf which would have died in the trap attacks a traveler, will you take responsibility?"
"No. The wolf's actions are its own, as are the travelers. And as are mine. I take responsibility for my own actions, but not those of anyone else."
He smiled. You have learned all I have to teach you. It is time for you to go into the world and make a difference. Although I suggest you start with humans, rather than wolves.
She laughed, and started to think. Where could she make a difference? Finally she decided to try to make her way into Drace and see if they could use her help.
Ghost- Local Figment of the Imagination
1 5675
Posts : 1104
Re: Amity (RPG)
Princess Tart was rather bored because it was the Tuesday that she had to keep an eye on the soldiers who were coming in and out of Dreche. However, there was a group of about 15 soldiers, they were all packed together, standing in a circle. Princess Tart took out her largest weapon, Bloodied Longsword and cautiously walked over to the soldiers who seemed to be in a circle around two people, a strange looking man and a soldier who looked as though he was in the higher ranks. As soon as Princess Tasrt approached everything went quiet except for the two in the middle. Everyone in the circle parted to make way for her.
The high ranking soldier stepped aside and saluted her, and slowly walked away to get back to work. Princess Tart looked at the man, she decided that he wasn't worth the fight so she turned away and started walking away. But she then realised that he was following her, so she challenges him to a duel!
The high ranking soldier stepped aside and saluted her, and slowly walked away to get back to work. Princess Tart looked at the man, she decided that he wasn't worth the fight so she turned away and started walking away. But she then realised that he was following her, so she challenges him to a duel!
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Re: Amity (RPG)
The member 'ZimZ' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Attack Result' :
'Attack Result' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
As Princess Tart misses and falls over, the high ranked officer steps in and kills the stranger in one shot. The Princess gets up brushes he clothes down and fixes her hair, "I thank you for saving me officer, anything you want just ask." the officer thinks on what she said for only a few seconds an then answers, "I wish for no reward but for you to be safe my dearest Princess." Obviously flattered Princess Tart walks away with an embarrassed look on her face back to watching over the soldiers.
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Scios looks around, staring at his poor desert home. It seemed empty without his brothers. Out in the front of the house were machines, parts, tool, and tents; leftovers of their once prosperous business. Scios sighed, saddened by the changes war brought to his life. Since there was nothing but lost memories here, he began gathering his things. He brought a small package of tools, a relodable pistol, some rabbit furs, a dagger, and a first aid kit. Scios figured that any food he needed he could kill. While he wasn't sure where his brothers would be, he knew he would have to go to the nearst settlement, Vividia. While not many people there are... "polite" He could find more supplies, or get information where his brothers might be. Scios remembers how his brothers would go there for special parts or devilerys, coming home with wild stories.
Scios made his way to the Rerezch Tram, a large and formible tram that resembled a train. It was the only one that came this deep in the desert, and was armoured to withstand the conditions of the desert. He had no money, but was planning to trade his furs at Vividia. Unfortualtly it was ethier take a 3 week walk, or catch this train.
Scios prepared to jump on the tram, and hopefully not be caught by workers, and throw off.
As the tram approached, Scios prepared to jump.
Scios made his way to the Rerezch Tram, a large and formible tram that resembled a train. It was the only one that came this deep in the desert, and was armoured to withstand the conditions of the desert. He had no money, but was planning to trade his furs at Vividia. Unfortualtly it was ethier take a 3 week walk, or catch this train.
Scios prepared to jump on the tram, and hopefully not be caught by workers, and throw off.
As the tram approached, Scios prepared to jump.
ZombieData- Emo Dude
- No, I am NOT going to go out with you.
1 6151
Posts : 649
The member 'SaydeSim' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Action Outcome' :
'Action Outcome' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
As the tram approaches, Scios jumps.
But, the tram ends too quickly, and he lands on the dusty tracks.
Scios grunts in pain, and pulls himself up.
Scios speaks, "Great... Now what do I do?"
==Will continue, busy ATM==
But, the tram ends too quickly, and he lands on the dusty tracks.
Scios grunts in pain, and pulls himself up.
Scios speaks, "Great... Now what do I do?"
==Will continue, busy ATM==
ZombieData- Emo Dude
- No, I am NOT going to go out with you.
1 6151
Posts : 649
Re: Amity (RPG)
Princess Tart was sitting down still watching over those soldies, expecting something to happen... Nothing happened, although she did he a high pitched scream, she didn't quite know what it was at first because of the noise from the soldiers moving about, she heared it again and this time the scream went on for a few more seconds. Everyone stopped moving and listened. Princess Tart got up to tell everyone that it's probably nothing, hoping to calm them all down....
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Re: Amity (RPG)
The member 'ZimZ' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Action Outcome' :
'Action Outcome' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
Princess Tart, amazed that she had calmed everyone down sent everyone back to work or what they were doing and quietly slipped away to see what the noise was. When she got to where she thought the noise came from nothing was to be seen... she heard the scream again, it was moving, she pulled ut he dagger and he longsword and started sprinting down the the path, her crown fell off and she turned back to pick it up, so she went looking for it...
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Re: Amity (RPG)
The member 'ZimZ' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Action Outcome' :
'Action Outcome' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
She found the crown but had no clue how it got so far away from where it fell off... the middle gem was taken off and around the other 3 gems there were paw marks, she heard the scream once more somewhere behind her, she flipped backwards and punced on the enemy and went for an attack!
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Re: Amity (RPG)
The member 'ZimZ' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Attack Result' :
'Attack Result' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
She killed the creature in one shot! She couldn't identify the animal so she quickly backed away and sprinted back off into the open only to find soldiers all still when they saw her. She didn't know what was wrong so she asked what happened.
The officers and soldiers told her what happened, they heared a noise and they looked to her but couldn't find her and they were about to go on a rescue mission until they saw her come out into the open space.
The officers and soldiers told her what happened, they heared a noise and they looked to her but couldn't find her and they were about to go on a rescue mission until they saw her come out into the open space.
ZimZ- Lv18
- Sing? Sing a song of wanting to move along!
1 4135
Posts : 499
Re: Amity (RPG)
Scios decided that without the train; he would have to find some other way to get to Vividia. He walked down the tracks; staring at the landscape as he thought of another plan. He thought to himself, "It would take too long to prepare a Hovercraft; and jeeps aren't reliable in the sand.." He bit his lip and whispered, "I guess I'll walk"
....5 hours later....
After several grueling hours walking in the desert, Scios was no where near Vividia, and he was extremely exhasted.
A few feet ahead, a rich man was trading with a wandering merchant; and his Hovercraft laying poised in the sand. A dark idea sparked in Scio's mind. He crept up to the Hovercraft, and jumped in. He would have to quickly hot-wire it before he was noticed or there would be no escape.
....5 hours later....
After several grueling hours walking in the desert, Scios was no where near Vividia, and he was extremely exhasted.
A few feet ahead, a rich man was trading with a wandering merchant; and his Hovercraft laying poised in the sand. A dark idea sparked in Scio's mind. He crept up to the Hovercraft, and jumped in. He would have to quickly hot-wire it before he was noticed or there would be no escape.
ZombieData- Emo Dude
- No, I am NOT going to go out with you.
1 6151
Posts : 649
Re: Amity (RPG)
The member 'SaydeSim' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Action Outcome' :
'Action Outcome' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
Re: Amity (RPG)
"Uieturk!" Scios cursed in his native tongue. The Hovercraft short-circited. The rich man turned around, and shouted, "Theif!" Scios jumped out of the hovercraft and ran as fast as he could; a difficult feat, as the sand was soft beneath his feet.
"Uiet Uiet Uiet!" Scios told himself. He tried to escape the sight of the rich man, while covering his face with his scarf to be unreconizable.
"Uiet Uiet Uiet!" Scios told himself. He tried to escape the sight of the rich man, while covering his face with his scarf to be unreconizable.
ZombieData- Emo Dude
- No, I am NOT going to go out with you.
1 6151
Posts : 649
Re: Amity (RPG)
The member 'SaydeSim' has done the following action : Roll Dice
'Action Outcome' :
'Action Outcome' :
Rosalina- Queen of Dice
0 345
Posts : 66
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