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Rules of this Forum (MUST READ BEFORE POSTING)

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Announcement Rules of this Forum (MUST READ BEFORE POSTING)

Post by Rapsheba555 July 9th 2011, 8:17 pm

1) No posting of any vivid sexual material, porn, or disturbing materials. If you are unsure of the content of your post, show it to an admin or mod before posting.

2) Posters must label their post with a rating icon, specifically one of the following Rules of this Forum (MUST READ BEFORE POSTING) N36mup Any post not labelled with one of those icons will either have the rating set by a moderator (assuming it is PG13 or lower), or will be removed (if the post is deemed R-rated)

3) Any post that is rated R must also have the creative contents of the post (IE the story or art) placed within a spoiler box, like so:
[spoiler=Click to view]Text or image goes here[/spoiler]
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This is to create an additional level of protection for the eyes of the innocent.

4) The staff reserves the right to change the rating on any post made in this forum if it is not deemed appropriate. The ratings use the same scale as the QDB, with G being totally benign, PG being mild language, PG13 being language and/or adult themes, and R being adult themes, language, or imagery.

3) Follow all other rules posted in "Site Rules."

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