Constructive criticism Please
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Constructive criticism Please
I've made a video tutorial about using Photobie to crop images. I already know about "Stop getting stage fright while talking into the microphone" and that is as loud as it can get. But if there is anything else that I should try to do better with the next video, please let me know.
Ghost- Local Figment of the Imagination
1 5675
Posts : 1104
Re: Constructive criticism Please
i think you're plenty loud, and the tutorial looks great! Would it be allowed for ntdorks' youtube channel to favorite it and put it into a playlist?
Rapsheba555- Weegee
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Posts : 3222
Re: Constructive criticism Please
Sure. I'm going to be making a series of videos, and you would be welcome to do that with any of them.
Ghost- Local Figment of the Imagination
1 5675
Posts : 1104
WhiteWaterWood- Queen of the Dorks
- Hallo moto
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Re: Constructive criticism Please
Both tuts you've added have been added to the channel's favorites!
Rapsheba555- Weegee
- All operators are busy, please insert more money.
2 33823
Posts : 3222
Re: Constructive criticism Please
YAY! Look at us being so awesome :3
GuardStud08- The Cogs Hope
- "This is all going so well"
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Re: Constructive criticism Please
And I'm working on another one.
Ghost- Local Figment of the Imagination
1 5675
Posts : 1104
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