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Constructive criticism Please

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Constructive criticism Please

Post by Ghost June 1st 2011, 9:41 pm

I've made a video tutorial about using Photobie to crop images. I already know about "Stop getting stage fright while talking into the microphone" Lol and that is as loud as it can get. But if there is anything else that I should try to do better with the next video, please let me know.

Local Figment of the Imagination
Local Figment of the Imagination

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Re: Constructive criticism Please

Post by Rapsheba555 June 2nd 2011, 1:17 am

i think you're plenty loud, and the tutorial looks great! Very Happy Would it be allowed for ntdorks' youtube channel to favorite it and put it into a playlist?

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Re: Constructive criticism Please

Post by Ghost June 2nd 2011, 6:46 am

Sure. I'm going to be making a series of videos, and you would be welcome to do that with any of them.
Local Figment of the Imagination
Local Figment of the Imagination

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Re: Constructive criticism Please

Post by WhiteWaterWood June 4th 2011, 12:30 pm

Queen of the Dorks
Queen of the Dorks

Hallo moto

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Re: Constructive criticism Please

Post by Rapsheba555 June 4th 2011, 1:05 pm

Both tuts you've added have been added to the channel's favorites! Very Happy

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Re: Constructive criticism Please

Post by GuardStud08 June 4th 2011, 1:25 pm

YAY! Look at us being so awesome :3
The Cogs Hope
The Cogs Hope

"This is all going so well"

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Constructive criticism Please Empty Re: Constructive criticism Please

Post by Ghost June 5th 2011, 1:02 pm

Smile And I'm working on another one.
Local Figment of the Imagination
Local Figment of the Imagination

Veteran VIP Contest Winner Challenge Participant Constructive criticism Please 2laeolx
Created a Tutorial Constructive criticism Please 2laeolx
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