Nintendorks Island
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Update to site rules

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Update to site rules Empty Update to site rules

Post by WhiteWaterWood September 8th 2010, 8:42 pm

"It is a now a rule that discussion of torrents is no longer allowed. Stealing is illegal. We consider torrenting stealing. If you want to start complaining about how 'but it's not illegal' you may kindly shut up because this is a private site and you may take your moral corruption somewhere else.

You may however, discuss torrenting of things you already payed for, things that are not available no matter how much money you pay (such as content not available in your country and things that are no long available to anyone at all) and how torrenting is illegal."

All complaints may be put in the 'I do not care' box.
Queen of the Dorks
Queen of the Dorks

Hallo moto

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